A playful pedagogy
We use the springs of gamification to increase the involvement and long-term commitment of your employees. Learning has never been easier.
An innovative approach
Technology must be at the service of pedagogy. We combine approaches that include impactful videos, content anchored in everyday life, accessible on mobile phones, with a focus on social interactions.
And fully operational
Because 70% of what we learn comes from experience, we create short training courses that are immediately applicable in the workplace. Compatible with a professional activity.
Mobile Learning
READY FOR TAKEOFF offers short, engaging, fun and operational training courses to develop your teams' skills on a daily basis in a working situation.
READY FOR TAKEOFF is a partner of the main digital mobile learning platforms:
- Mastery of design tools and pedagogical possibilities
- Expertise in microlearning writing
Memory Anchorage & Mobile Learning
Memorization, long-term anchoring of the knowledge acquired in training.
Because 80% of a classroom training is forgotten after a week, READY FOR TAKEOFF designs tools for daily training. Effortlessly.
We design tailor-made memory anchoring tools, both short - less than 5 minutes a day - and fun. To retain and apply key concepts. Durably.
Qualifying training courses
READY FOR TAKEOFF has developed, in partnership with accredited schools, qualifying training courses in the retail sector.
A unique system that alternates teaching methods. Indoors and remotely.
Video courses, in-store simulation exercises, social platform, face-to-face training to prepare the jury....
Optimized training courses, compatible with the CPF and financeable by your OPCO, without leaving the store.
These training courses are customizable.
Help with digitization
READY FOR TAKE OFF helps HR managers and Training Departments to take the digital route.
- Definition and implementation of the digital training strategy
- Training of instructional project managers:
Training as a digital module designer
Training as a trainer
Tutor training
Script writing
Creating effective visual aids
Public speaking
Making videos with your smartphone